Men and women in Seattle Washington that go to plastic surgery clinics for an eyelid surgery each have their own reasons for wanting to enhance their eyelids. An eyelid tuck, or blepharoplasty, is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of aging associated with the upper and lower eyelids. Signs of aging in the upper eyelids include loose sagging skin that creates fullness and disturbs the natural contour. Occasionally, this excess skin can be so severe that it impairs vision. In addition, puffiness in the upper eyelids could be due to excess fat deposits. Signs of aging in the lower eyelids include bags and dark circles, drooping of the lid margin, and excess skin. These effects of aging can create a tired or sad appearance.

Blepharoplasty procedures can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as brow lifts to rejuvenate the aging forehead and brows and facelifts to rejuvenate the aging face. Following your facial surgery, you will have ointment applied to your eyelids that may cause your vision to be blurry. It is important to keep your head elevated and you may have to apply cool compresses to aid in healing and minimize swelling. You will be given specific instructions on how to care for your incisions including any medications that you may need to take.

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